How To Get Kids To Eat Healthy

How To Get Kids To Eat Healthy

How can we get our kids to eat healthily? We all know that sweets and savory foods are more appealing to kids than greens and leaves. Our daily pleas to our children to “Eat Your Vegetables” seem to be met with deafening silence, or worse, result in tantrums or other power struggles. Can we convince our kids to make healthy food choices without making them look like wicked witches?

Yes! These three tips will help you get your kids to eat healthily (without releasing any flying monkeys).

  1. Stock your cupboard with healthy options. When the Lollipop Guild is not around, it’s easier for munchkins to make good snacking choices. Store your children’s favorite fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods at eye level in your pantry. Leave the sweet stuff out on the shelves.
  2. As you plan meals, give your children options. Let them decide what they want to eat. What’s better, chicken or fish? Peas or Carrots? Dorothy will be less likely to hide her vegetables from Toto if they are the ones she chooses.
  3. Avoid arguments that can lead to power struggles about food. Even if we beg or bribe our children, they will not eat. These efforts encourage our children to fight over dinner by rewarding them. You can remove the payoff by telling your child in advance that he will not be awarded for refusing to eat and that he won’t get any more food until his next meal or snack, even if that’s just breakfast. He won’t go hungry overnight, but he will be reminded of the consequences if he doesn’t eat at dinner.

You can help your family to eat healthier and have fewer fights at mealtimes by planning and cooperating. No trip to Oz is required.

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