Mary Poppins sings a few words, and all the dolls and clothing of the Banks children march into the toy box and neatly fold themselves into the closet.
Both parents and children wish this were real. No amount of snapping or singing will make your nightmare bedroom clean itself. Nagging doesn’t work either, despite all your efforts.
You might not possess Mary Poppins’ superpowers, but you can use strategies to help your children clear their clutter. They will also discover that there is a floor underneath the mess.
Here are three ways to make your bedroom cleaner:
1. Give the mess a rest
What would be the worst outcome if your kids didn’t clean their rooms? Toys could get broken or lost, and clothes would remain stained. That’s not fun for the kids.
You can let nature do the dirty job for you by first warning your children about the dangers of a messy bedroom and reassuring them that you are confident in their ability. Let nature take its course.
If you refuse to replace a toy that is missing or run an emergency laundry load, your children will soon learn a valuable lesson.
2. You’ll notice when you wake up your kids’ inner room cleaner.
Next time you see dirty socks and blocks mixed, try not to be a nag.
You can use bribes or rewards to motivate your child to clean their room.
Allow plenty of time to clean thoroughly. Depending on the size of your mess, you’ll need at least 20 minutes prior to a show or meal.
3. Do not Control Your Needs
You can only control your reaction, not another person.
Decide what you’ll do if the situation gets out of hand.
Inform your children that they are old enough to clean their rooms. Do this at a time when you can be calm. Say something like, “If your bedroom is not clean by Saturday dinner, I’ll clean it using a cardboard box.” If you don’t put away your toys or clothes, they will be placed in the basement. It’s time to visit Goodwill if you don’t find that your children are missing their favorite toys or jeans.
These techniques will help you and your children to enjoy clean bedrooms. No song or dance is required.