Tips and Tricks for a Relaxing Road Trip with Kids

Tips and Tricks for a Relaxing Road Trip with Kids

Ahh, summer vacation. What could be more American than a family road trip?

It’s not much…until you start whining.

Try these creative solutions suggested by parents who are members of our Facebook group to keep both your children and yourself happy.

Road Trip Games

The games are a fun way to pass the time on the road with the kids and include the entire family. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Name the Tune
  • Find the state license plate
  • Twenty Questions

You can also turn the tables and make parents teach the kids about the country by having them look through an atlas and then quiz their parents on the states and capitals.

If you are crawling through an overcrowded town, Red Light/Green Light is a great game to play. Divide your car into two teams. Say, “If we stop at the light (red team), we score.”

Road Trip Activities

Try these road trip activities when you’ve had your fill of competition.

    • Audiobooks
    • Coloring Books
    • Small dry-erase boards are for playing pictures or writing on them.
    • Turn up the music and let them dance in their seats
    • Bring along a roll of aluminum foil from the dollar store to keep your kids entertained for hours. Wrap books and sippy cups for the little ones. Older children can create sculptures or chains to hang on the car.
    • Post-it notes and pipe cleaners are also popular with little ones. What kind of souvenirs can you make with your children?

Last Road Trip Tips

Remember, a little bit of Control can go a long way in keeping your kids from being whiny. Let your children help you plan a part of the vacation. Each child can choose an attraction or a restaurant.

Let your kids decide on things like the route, the music, the snacks, and even the “scenic.” This small amount of Control will reduce power struggles on your trip.

For longer trips, leave at night if you want some peace. Seat belts and lights off as your children dream away the long hours of driving.

If all else fails, portable electronics are a great way to distract. Too many movies may turn your kids into couch potatoes. So, set limits.

What is the best way to make everyone happy during your next road trip? Do not forget to spend time with each child individually each day.

Kids who receive positive attention are less likely than others to behave negatively, such as throwing their flip-flops through the car window.

We wish you the best of luck on your road trip adventures, my friend.


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