How can we get our kids to eat healthily? We all know that sweets and savory foods are more appealing to kids than greens and leaves. Our
Category: Parenting
Two Types of Tantrums: How to Tell the Difference
You are running late to school on a Monday at 8 am because your 6-year-old daughter refuses to dress. She wails, “I want to put
Clean Bedrooms–It Can Happen At Your House
Mary Poppins sings a few words, and all the dolls and clothing of the Banks children march into the toy box and neatly fold themselves
Nixing Negativity Part 1: Ditching the “Don’t”
How many times would you say the four-letter word that you hated as a child: don’t? Our no-do n’ts and other commands can cause more
Get Set for Summer! Your guide to the season’s best survival strategies for parents
The summer is almost here! Take heart before you worry about the kids, your lazy teens, or endless video games. You don’t have to be surprised by
Nixing Negativity Part 2: Promoting the Positive
It can discourage and confuse children when they hear this word all the time. Plus, it reinforces bad behavior. You’ll get better cooperation from your
Funny Things Kids Say
Autumn: I can’t choose just one… My favorite is probably the words “Mommy I love you but we seem have our differences,” which my 4-year-old
4 Strategies to Stop Tantrums Before They Start
It’s 5 pm. It’s 5 pm. You are standing in a grocery store in the middle of crowds when you hear: You glance down at your
Tips and Tricks for a Relaxing Road Trip with Kids
Ahh, summer vacation. What could be more American than a family road trip? It’s not much…until you start whining. Try these creative solutions suggested by parents
From Potty Talk to Swearing: 10 Tips to Curb Foul Language
You refused to give your three-year-old a fruit snack, and he called you “buttface.” As she reluctantly took out the garbage this morning, your middle